
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Questions Your Pastor Will Hate - Part Two

Answers to Biblical questions are rather relative to the background and the perspectives of the one asked the question. There are answers of course. Often, many different answers given to the same questions. Obviously, a priest may answer much differently than a Baptist minister and a Lutheran pastor differently from an Adventist. A closed mind will answer differently from an open one. Many of the answers that one would hear are listed above. These are questions that have no easy answer along denominational lines. These are questions that ask not so much what does the story mean, but rather, why does it contradict what is said over in another gospel? Why is this here and nowhere else? How can this be in our real world of time and space? These are questions that usually leave the minister or priest wishing he had never gone to seminary and was not sitting at his desk with YOU knowing enough about the book to ask the question in the first place.

An apologist will talk of the contradictions in Paul's conversion accounts as supplemental and not contradictory, but that is what they have to say because the book has to be flawless and perfectly accurate word of God. It would never do to think the accounts are written by people who had human perspectives, made mistakes in transmission of the alleged facts and even a few political reasons for tweeking the story. The usual answer to this inquiry is that Paul did indeed quote Jesus, but even once or in principle is good enough to answer this problem. Or he was preaching Christ crucified and leaving the rest to others. Neither is really a satisfying reason for why the man who gets to write most of the New Testament and inform us all about the reason and meaning of Jesus rarely, if ever, refers to the teachings of the teacher, especially when it would be to his advantage to do so in his writings. Paul could have referred to Jesus and the Lord's prayer, for example, instead of telling people that the Holy Spirit would groan out their prayers when they didn't know what to pray. But he didn't know the Lord's teaching on how to pray, it seems.

There are more serious answers to these questions as well. Some might be that the story is Midrash or Pesher which are terms that few in the pews and far too often in the pulpit have ever heard. Simply put, it is a way to mine the scriptures of the past for meaning in the present. The author of Matthew was very good at this. It doesn't mean the proof text was literally pointing to something in the future, but can be used to tell a story in a way that one wants the story to be told and with the meaning it needs to have for the present time. It is what Matthew as doing over and over when he looked back into the Old Testament to find scriptures to tell his and only his story of Jesus. He found scriptures that never meant in reality what he made them to mean, but it was a way to tell his story. Not unlike my using Lord of the Rings to show how Tolkien, in his time, really spoke of the war in Iraq in our time.

Other real answers might admit that there are politics at play here in the text. For example it is easy to see that Paul had no use for the leadership of the Jewish Church in Jerusalem. In Paul's telling of his story in Galatians 1 and 2 we find a man who learned nothing of his teachings from men. He was called from the womb like Jeremiah, John and Jesus. He got his gospel directly from the risen Christ. After his conversion he went to the wilderness for three years for what he never says. He makes a point of NOT going to Jerusalem to see the Apostles until he was good and ready. He mentions seeing James and Peter for a couple weeks, and then a full 14 years later Paul goes up to see the Peter, James and John, who he labels as men who seemed to be pillars. Funny way to describe these Apostles. This is not a man who wanted to hear any teachings or advice from the men who spent a lot of personal time with the earthly Jesus. Jesus for Paul was a cosmic Christ and not a historical figure, it seems. So Paul goes up to see them because he wants to and not because they may have told him to show up. Paul was not a man one told to do anything he didn't want to do. Paul was a much more distrusted figure among the disciples of Jesus than Luke in Acts would have us believe. But that is another story.

Paul may have felt the same way himself and had Luke tell the story of Annanias and Sapphira in Acts 5 to send the message that Peter was not worthy of leadership. In that story we find Peter pronouncing death upon two church members who said they would give one amount of money to the Church and ended up giving less. Strange way for the man Peter, who said he would never deny Jesus and then did three times, to act. Peter, who promised to do one thing and then did another just as now these two before him had done. Peter pronounces death upon them for not coughing up the shekels when Peter got to be an Apostle after dening he ever knew Jesus. Those who read the story would not miss the irony. This is the story behind the story of Peter punishing with death these two members of the young church for saying one thing and doing another. It was more a political statement against Peter's duplicity and disqualification in leadership than an event that probably really happened. Politics.

Questions to ask about the Birth Narratives of Jesus.

Question. Pastor...What difference does it make for Matthew and Luke to show us Jesus family connections from Mary and Joseph back to King David and Adam, when God was his real Father? Aren't geneologies meaningless since Joseph was a stop father, and all coming before him would be step ancestors to Jesus. So Jesus can't be connected back to King David as the line breaks between Jesus and Joseph. Right?

Question. Pastor... If the Holy Spirit, which I think you said was a person in the Trinity, begot Mary, isn't the Holy Spirit really Jesus literal father? Would this not then make God Jesus uncle of sorts, or Jesus his own Father, since they are three in one, coequal and co...oh you understand. This is a mystery isn't it?

Question. Father... Why do I have to call you Father, when Jesus said to call no man Father except his?

Question. Pastor... Matthew 1: 17 says that Jacob was Joseph's father, but Luke 3:23 says that Heli was Joseph's father. Was Joseph's father Jacob Heli Rubinstein or something?

Question. Pastor...Why does it always seem that women in the Bible who give birth to important men, like Elizabeth being John the Baptist's mom, are always barren and really old. (Luke 1:7). But then, women who give birth to gods are never barren but always pure virgin, and really young like her relative Mary.

Question. Pastor... Why in Luke 1:18-20 does the Angel make the old husband of Elizabeth unable to speak for not believing that he would have a son? Seems like a normal thing not to believe at his age. And yet, in Luke 1: 34 Mary tells the Angel she can't believe that she will have Jesus the King because she doesn't even have a husband. At least Zechariah had an old wife. Yet, the angel doesn't make her mute for not believing him. Do you think the Angel had a quota on how many people a day he could make blind and mute?

Question. Pastor... In the same story, in verse 41, old Elizabeth praises Mary for being the mother of her Lord. How did she find out that Mary was going to give birth to a god? Is that the kind of story you think the family passed on to her prior to Mary coming for a visit? And pastor, do you think it is strange that an old woman who is just now in life having her first son would instinctively praise a young virgin for being pregnant? Just a thought.

Question. Pastor... In that same account in Luke 1:46, and Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden,' sound more like something that Elizabeth would say since she was doing all the talking up to that point? And don't you think it amazing that this bursting into song of Mary is so much the same as the story of Hannah, an old barren woman in I Samuel 1, who gave birth to Samuel? And isn't it interesting that a razor was not to come on Samuel just like Elizabeth's baby John? And how about that part where Hanna can't speak either, just like Elizabeth's husband Zechariah? Oh and how about when Elizabeth said in verse 18, Let your maidservant find favor in your eyes. Wow, sounds a lot like what Mary just said about herself in Luke. Could it be that Luke is using the Hannah story to tell the Mary and Elizabeth story. And could it be that it was really Elizabeth, the old barren woman, still speaking in Luke and not Mary at all about her joy like the old barren Hannah, but someone attributed what Elizabeth was more like to say to Mary? Know what I'm sayin?

Questions. Pastor... See in Luke 1:56 where it says that and Mary stayed with her about three months, and then Elizabeth had John in vs. 57? Since the whole chapter is really about Elizabeth and Zechariah, doesn't it sound like that when it says Mary stayed with HER that the her is the one who just got done speaking what Mary is said to have said? You know, Elizabeth really and not Mary...really? Editors did stuff like that right?

Question. Pastor... Why do you think that no other Gospel or really anyone in the New Testament ever mentions this story again? Do you think it is here to be sure that everyone understood John was second to Jesus no matter what anyone else might think?

Question. Ok, these birth stories are great, but I have a lot of questions about them. Are you up for this? Great!

Question. Pastor... Since Matthew and Luke read just as well without the birth stories of Jesus, do you think they might have been added much later to the books? I mean really we don't go to the hospital to see a famous person born and the exciting special birth stories aren't usually written until after the baby grows up and becomes famous right? Like Yassir Arafat always saying he was born in Jerusalem, because that's the great place to be born, but in fact he was born in Cairo. Or like politicians who are born somewhere else, but need to be from a certain place to run for office. Just a thought.

Question. Pastor... Why doesn't Mark know anything about Jesus birth stories?

Question. Pastor... Why , in the Gospel of John , in chapters 7 and 8 is there this big argument of how Jesus is a born of fornication (8:41) and Jesus tells a story about a woman taken in adultery and forgiven (8:1) which lies right between a big argument over knowing that Jesus is from Galilee and not Bethlehem as the scripture says? (7:41) and Jesus exploding and telling them they are all sons of the devil. Wow, seems not everyone knew anything about what Matthew and Luke had to say about Jesus birth!

Question. Pastor... Why does Matthew say that Isaiah 7:14 predicts the Virgin birth of Jesus when the story of Isaiah has absolutely nothing to do with a virgin giving birth to a son that was really God? Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Behold a virgin shall be with child and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.' ( Matthew 1:22-23). Isn't Isaiah talking about a baby born as a sign to Ahab, king of Israel, that some northern invasion back then would not be the end of them? And what's with that same story in Isaiah saying, that the boy baby would eat butter and honey and BEFORE he knew to refuse the evil and choose the good, the bad guy would be beaten? (Isaiah 7:15-16) Does this mean that Jesus did evil too before he was prophecied to do good? What parts of this are prophecy and what parts are just history that has nothing to do with Jesus? And no one ever called him Emmanuel. They called him Jesus. I can see where the Israelites might call him God with us, meaning God was with us in the defeat of our enemy, but I can't see it meant the baby of Isaiah was God in the flesh. Any comments?

Question. Pastor... In Matthew 1:1-4 it says that the Wisemen came asking about where Jesus was because they had seen his star in the East. First of all, if they came from Persia, which is East of Jerusalem, how do you see a literal star in the East and then follow it West where it turns south and stops over a house in Bethlehem? I mean if they saw his star in the East, why go West, why not East? Maybe it's just me.

Question. Pastor... In the same place it says Herod seems not to know anything about this Jesus or his star. Could he not see it and if he could, could he not follow it himself? Then it says Herod got together all the helpers on such topics and I wonder, could they not see it either?

Question. Pastor... In reading the story of this star, it also says that it reappeared to the Wise men to continue to show them the way. Was this a star that only they could see and could stop and go until the Wisemen were reading to keep moving?

Question. Pastor...How does a moving star, stop over a specific house?

Question. Pastor...While we are at it, how come Matthew tells us Jesus was born in a house that Mary and Joseph seemed to already own in Bethlehem (Matthew 1:11). I thought they lived in Nazareth and came had to have Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem? You know, no room at the Inn and all. Well, at least that is what Luke 2 says where he doesn't mention the home in Bethlehem, just as Matthew doesn't mention the worldwide tax that brings Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem to begin with from their home in Nazareth. So which is it...home in Bethlehem as Matthew says, or in Nazareth as Luke says and moving from manger to home won't cut it.

Question. Pastor...Matthew 1:12-16 says that an Angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt from Herod who was going to kill all the babies under two years old to get at Jesus. Wow, lots of questions here! Does this mean that in order for Jesus to die for us, the babies in Bethlehem had to die for Jesus?

Question. Pastor...Do you think Mary, being a typical mother left town in a hurry telling her friends, I know something you don't know. I wish you and your babies a good Sabbath? I don't think mothers really think that way.

Question. Pastor...Matthew 1:17-18 fulfills Rachel weeping for her children in Rama, but from what I can tell, again Matthew is making this up. That story in Jeremiah 31:15 has nothing to do with the women weeping for their dead babies. I believe the Jeremiah story took place during the trek into captivity as they passed through Rama, not Bethlehem. Kinda stretching the point isn't it?

Question. Pastor...After Herod dies, the family comes back from Egypt and Matthew says this fulfills Hosea 11:1. But I looked at that, and Out of Egypt I have called my son, is talking about the exodus story, not Jesus. Is it just me again misunderstanding? How comes Matthew gets to make things mean in the Old Testament what they never meant?

Question. Pastor...In Matthew 1:19-22 an Angel gives the all clear to go back home, to Bethlehem and the house, I assume. But then Joseph finds an even more evil bastard lives there so has another dream to head to Nazareth where it was evidently safer. Did the Angel screw up and send them into harms way and God had to give Joseph a dream to save them from the Angel not knowing what was going on in Judea? Don't they have briefings for Angels for stuff like this?

Question. Pastor...In Matthew 1:23 we see that Matthew says since they went to Nazareth, there is some place that says this fulfills He shall be called a Nazarene. But no one seems to know where the Bible says that. I know it means branch such as in Isaiah 11:1, but again, those are not stories or prophecies about Jesus. So isn't Matthew reaching again? Did Matthew think a Nazarite, was the same as a Nazarene maybe? You know, no razor, no haircuts, no wine. Kinda like Hippie Baptists. But then Jesus wasn't that way either. Oh well. Any thoughts?

Question. Pastor...How come only Matthew mentions Wisemen, wandering stars, killing the babies and fleeing to Egypt when Luke, in his account, mentions none of this. In fact, Luke just says that after eight days Jesus was calmly, well i don't know about calmly, circumcised and then Mary did the 40 days of purification after the birth while meeting Simeon and Anna who blessed Jesus in the Temple, and then calmly walked back home to Nazareth. No run for your life from Herod story here, and right where you 'd expect it. Did Luke never hear about Matthew's thus it was fulfilleds, and simply have the family go back home to Nazareth? Can't both be true, right?

Question. Pastor...As long as I am at it, can you tell me why the Apostle Paul only knows that Jesus was born of a woman in Galatians 4:4. Nothing special really. Did Paul not know that Jesus, Mary and Joseph had all these wonderful birth adventures? Maybe he didn't care.

Question. Pastor...I guess what I am asking here is how come history knows of no tax and certainly no tax where all had to leave home and move around the empire to be taxed in that way for Luke to get Mary and Joseph down to Bethlehem? I won't even ask if you knew Cyrenius, depending on how you spell it, was not Governor of Syria until ten years later than the events of Herod in Matthew. Seems like Luke may have not gotten the history right here.

Question. Pastor...Do you think it was responsible and necessary for Joseph, who I suppose had the property in Bethlehem, hey the house!, to take a very pregnant Mary on a hundred mile donkey ride through the wilderness of Judea? Was that necessary. And if he had a house there, why did they not live there to begin with. Well actually Matthew said they did, but in Luke it says no. I'm confused.

Question. Pastor...Why would all the Angels and Heavenly hosts go out and sing this glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, goodwill to men, to a few shepherds in the field. How about a bigger audience, like Jerusalem or at least the whole town of Bethlehem?

Question. Pastor...How come Luke says Mary kept all these wonderful things and pondered them in her heart, and yet in Mark, she and Jesus brothers come down to Jerusalem to take Jesus home as an adult because they thought he was insane? (Mark 3:21). Did Mary forget all the things that the Angels had said and all the miracles of Matthew and Luke at Jesus birth? And why was this one lone account in Mark edited out of Matthew and Luke. Was it embarassing? It seems Mary knew Jesus was special at least to age 12 (Luke 2:51) when he wandered and was found debating in the temple. Hey, and what's with that? It even says his parents sought him sorrowing, so they were pretty afraid for him. Did Jesus not think to honor his parents with telling them he was at the temple and not to worry? Or did he just think they'd say no you can't go, and he'd have to not obey them and break another commandment? END PART TWO

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Buying Used Tires - 5 Things To Watch Out For

When buying secondhand (used) tires either from a tire shop or an online auction site its important that you are aware of the following 5 issues. You can then ask the right questions and make sure you don't end up with a tire purchase that leaves you and your wallet feeling deflated!

1. Sizing People get confused by tire sizing and it is no wonder really - its pretty bizarre. The basic tire size is made up of 3 measurements and if one of them isn't mentioned you should not assume what it is - it pays to check.

Width - this is the section width of the tire for example a 195/70 R14. This means the tire is 195 millimeters across the width of the tire.

Profile - The sidewall height is represented as a percentage of the width so a 195/70 R14 means that the sidewall or profile height of the tire is 70 percent of the width. Often the profile is not mentioned and that normally means that the tire is a standard 82 or so percent. Never assume though as this is a common misunderstanding that can occur when buying used tires. There is nothing worse than buying something that simply does not fit - ask the person selling the tire to read you all the numbers on the sidewall to make sure!

Rimsize - The other number mentioned is the Rim size in this case a 195/70 R14 has a Rim size of 14 inches.

2. Rubber Cracking or Perishing A good thing to check when purchasing a second hand tire is for any perishing or cracking of the sidewall and tread rubber. It is wise to give the sidewall a good flex and make sure there are no cracks or chords visible. It is normal to have very fine surface perish lines if the tire is not brand new however make sure they are no more than that.

3. Lumps Bumps and Repairs If buying a secondhand tire it is prudent to ask if there are any obvious repairs that have been done to the tire. Although if a repair has been done properly there should be no issues if there are any problems with the repair moisture and air could have seeped into the casing of the tire which could potentially cause issues further down the track. No repairs is great!

4. Uneven Wear or Scalloping Sometimes the tires you are looking at may be unevenly worn due to an alignment or suspension problem with the vehicle the tires were previously on. Although they may still be structurally sound for ideal driving I would recommend that tires with even tread wear are purchased. Also if there is any scalloping of the tread road noise and poor handling are potentially going to be a problem.

5. Type of Tire Its important to either ask (if you are buying off EBay) or check yourself if you can for that the tire you are buying is not for example a snow tire - sometimes it can be hard to see from a photo on an auction site but the tires you are buying may have a snow or off road type of tread which will result in extremely poor handling and traction on tar seal. Its important to check that if you are looking for an on road only tire - that is what you end up purchasing.

Its important to be as educated as you can be when buying secondhand items that your life literally depends on so don't be afraid to ask plenty of questions and make sure your used tire purchase is a safe and economic one!

After more than a decade in the tire industry Rob StGeorge got into Information Technology however he still enjoys sharing his knowledge about Tires, Wheel Alignment and Alloy Wheels

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Sealed With the Holy Spirit

At the moment of salvation when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, three most amazing things will happen. The first is that we get automatic forgiveness for all of our sins - all past, present and future sins that we will ever commit. The second thing that will occur is that we will get to go straight to heaven when we die and cross over because we have now become saved and born again.

However, there is a third thing that will occur that some Christians really don't realize or have full knowledge of. At the exact moment that we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and become saved and born again - we also instantaneously "receive" the third person of the Godhead - the Holy Spirit Himself!

The Bible tells us that both God and Jesus live in heaven. However, when we become saved and born again - we literally get to receive the Holy Spirit Himself. He literally, and I mean literally, comes to live on the inside of us. As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list below - our bodies have now become the temple of the Holy Spirit because He is now living on the inside of us!
Not only does the Holy Spirit come to live on the inside of us as a result of accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but the Bible also tells us that we have now become "sealed" with the Holy Spirit.

According to Webster's Dictionary, the word seal means "to confirm, authenticate or guarantee - to pledge." In two Scripture verses I will list below, the Bible tells us that we are given the Holy Spirit by God the Father as a "guarantee" and as a "deposit."

When God says that we are sealed by His Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation in Him and Jesus - He is giving us a very powerful revelation on what is actually occurring in the spiritual realm. Not only are we receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit, but we are also being sealed with His presence.

That seal now becomes a very powerful bond between us and God. Though I do believe that it is possible for a Christian to lose his or her salvation per the article I have done on that topic - I believe that it will take quite a bit to break this seal - this bond that we now have established with God and Jesus. This seal is not easily broken.

Here are the specific verses from the Bible that tell us that we will "receive" the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, that our bodes have now become the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we have now been "sealed" with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

1. Receiving the Holy Spirit at the Moment of Salvation

This first verse will tell us that we receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of our salvation with Jesus - not sometime later. Here it is: Then Peter said to them,

"Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call." (Acts 2:38)

Notice that this verse is talking about those who are actually getting saved. When you "repent" and you are getting "remission" for your sins - you are in the process of getting saved by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You cannot truly repent and get forgiveness and remission for your sins unless you first are willing to accept Jesus as your Savior.

Then notice what the verse says next. After you have repented and have accepted Jesus as your Savior - then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Himself. I believe that this verse is telling us that we will receive the Holy Spirit the moment we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. It will happen right then and there - not sometime later.

Some people will get saved and water baptized at the same time. Others get saved, and then baptized at a later date. The Holy Spirit will come into you at the moment you get saved - not at the moment you go through a water baptism. If you go through the water baptism at a later date - the Holy Spirit is not going to wait until you do that. He will enter into you right at the moment that you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior - no matter where that may take place at.

2. Our Bodies Are Now the Temple of the Holy Spirit

The above Scripture verse tells us that we will "receive" the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation. So once we receive Him - exactly where does He go? The next set of verses will tell us that He will literally come to enter on the inside of us.

The Bible says that we have three parts to our beings - body, soul and spirit. Our human spirits are referred to our as our "innermost being" by the Bible. The Holy Spirit will enter into and actually live and dwell in your human spirit. As a result of the Holy Spirit now living on the inside of us in our human spirits - the Bible tells us that our bodies have now become the "temple" of the Holy Spirit since we now carry His presence on the inside of us.

Here are 5 good verses telling us that the Holy Spirit now literally lives on the inside of us and that our bodies are now considered the actual temple of the Holy Spirit.

  • "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." (1 Corinthians 6:19)
  • "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
  • "If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." (1 Corinthians 3:17)
  • "But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His." (Romans 8:9)
  • "But if the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:11)

Notice that first verse tells us to now glorify God in both our bodies and our spirits. I believe this verse is giving us key insight that the Holy Spirit is now living on the inside of our human spirits and as such, our bodies have now become His temple. Notice this verse does not use the word "soul" - but only "spirit." Our soul and spirits are two separate parts inside of our beings.

When the Holy Spirit initially comes to us - He will literally take up residence in our human spirits. However, I believe that there is a second experience that can occur where the Holy Spirit will release from your human spirit to come up into your soul area. This second experience has been called by many the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit."

Our spirits are baptized with His presence at the moment of salvation, but our souls can also be baptized with His presence. For a detailed explanation on what this second experience is all about and how to go about actually receiving it - go to my article titled "How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit" under the "Bible Basics" page.

3. Sealed with the Holy Spirit

As a result of having received the presence of the Holy Spirit Himself at the moment of our conversions, the Bible tells us that we have now been "sealed" with His presence. Here are 3 good verses all using the word "seal" in reference to the Holy Spirit now living on the inside of us and a fourth verse that says that the Holy Spirit has been given to us as a "guarantee."

  • "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30)
  • "Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a deposit." (2 Corinthians 1:21)
  • "In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory." (Ephesians 1:13)
  • "Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee." (2 Corinthians 5:5 )
To think that God the Father would allow the third Person of His Godhead to come down and literally enter into the inside of us where our bodies have now become the temple of His Holy Spirit is truly awesome and completely mind-blowing!


Now that we know that we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us - what will He do with us? What kind of activity can we expect from Him? I will be doing additional articles in the very near future on some of the incredible things that will start to happen to you once you open yourself up to Him and allow Him to start to become much more active in your life.

But for right now, for those of you who have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit where He is now residing up in your soul area, I would highly recommend that you go to my article titled "How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit."

If you are willing to take this extra step and receive this second gift that is available to all believers - your whole life will take a major turn in the Lord

Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible Knowledge, articles, commentary and teaching. They currently have over 100 Bible articles.

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